Prepare your plant physiology: XI Biology

Draw labelled diagram of –
A. stomatal apparatus
B. apoplastic and symplastic pathway
C. mass flow thorogh phloem
D. transport across membrane
E. potatoosmometer
F. plasmolysis
G. root nodule formation
H. nitrogen metabolism

Explain mechanisms of-
A. upward movement of water (transpiration
B. upward movement of food
C. opening and closing of stomata
D. nitrogen fixation
E. photophosphorylation cyclic and noncyclic
F. chemo-osmotic hypothesis
G. F0 – F1 ATPase
H. amphibolic pathway

Define the followings-
a. phototropism
b. vernalization
c. seed dormancy
d. imbibition
e. translocation
f. guttation
g. oxidative phosphorylation
h. Blackman law of limiting factor
I apical dominance
j. photropism
k. RQ
l. Aquaporins

Differentiate between:
a. c3 and c4 plants
b. aerobic and anaerobic respiration
c. diffusion and osmosis
d. active and passive transport
e. symport and antiport

Name various plant hormones and their
important functions.

Draw the schematic representation of:

A. c3 cycle

B. c4 cycle

C. photorespiration or c2 cycle

D. krebs cycle

E. glycolysis


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