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Question carrying one mark each
1. Why classification of animal is important ?
2. What is the use of classification of animals ?
3. What is body symmetry ?
4. What is coelom ?
5. What is issue level of organization ?
6. What organ level of organization ?
7. What is incomplete digestive system ?
8. What is complete digestive system ?
9. What is mesoglea ?
10. What are coelomates ?
11. What are pseudocoelomeates ?
12. What are acoelomates ?
13. What is the nature of mesoderm in pseudocoelomeates?
14. From which germinal layer, not chord is derived ?
15. What are germ layers ?
16. What are chordates ?
17. What is notochorda ?
18. Where do you find notochord in chordates ?
19. Which group of animal is called sponges ?
20. Where do you find pariferans ?
21. Write an example of an primitive multicellular level of organization animal.
22. Where does the water move in sponge body ?
23. What are ostia ?
24. What is the function of ostia ?
25. Name the central cavity of the sponges ?
26. What is osculum ?

27. What is the function of canal system ?
28. What are choanocytes ?
29. Name the skeleton support of sponge body ?
30. What is the nature of fertilization in poriferans ?
31. What is the nature of development of ponferans ?
32. What is indirect development ?
33. What is the difference between lavva and adult
34. Give an example for marine sponge ?
35. Name an fresh water sponge.
36. Which sponge is called bath sponge ?
37. What are sessile animals ?
38. What are cnidocytes or cnidoblasts ?
39. Name the cell which has stinging capsule
40. What are nematocytes ?
41. What is the function of cnidoblost cells ?
42. Name the group of animals which possess cnidoblastis ?
43. Write expansion form of G.V.C. ?
44. What is hypostome ?
45. Name the hard calcareous skeleton of cnidarians.
46. Name the cylindrical body form of cnidarian.
47. Name the umbrella shaped free swimming form of cnidarian.
48. Define polyp.
49. Define medusae.
50. Which animal is called ‘portuguse man of war’ ?
51. Which animal is called sea pen ?
52. Write the scientific name of sea fan.
53. What is the common name of meandrina ?
54. Which animal phylum is called sea walnut or combjellies ?
55. How many rows of ciliated comb plates are present in ctenophorans ?
56. Why members of platyhelminithes in commonly called flatworms.
57. In which platyhelminthes forms, hooks & suckers are present ?

58. What is the function of hooks and suckers ?
59. What are flame cells ?
60. Name the cell which are involved in excretion and osmoregulation in
61. Which member of platyhelminithes has high capacity of regeneration ?
62. Why aschelminthes are named as round worms ?
63. Which level of body organization is seen in aschelmenthis ?
64. What is the nature of pharynx in found worm ?
65. How excretory products are removed from the body of round worms ?
66. Which worm is called filarial worm ?
67. Which worm is called hook worm ?
68. Metameric segmentation can be found for the first time in which animal
phylum ?
69. What are metameres ?
70. How does circular and longitudinal muscle help annelidans ?
71. Write an example for aquatic annelidan.
72. What type of circulation is found annelidans ?
73. Write the scientific name of blood sucking leech.
74. Which is the largest phylum in the animal kingdom ?
75. Two thirds of known animals species belongs to which phylum.
76. What is the nature of exosketeton that covers the body of an arthropod ?
77. What is the meaning of the term arthropoda ?
78. What are statolysts ?
79. Name the excretory structure of arthropods.
80. Name a gregarious pest of arthropoda.
81. Name an arthropoda which is called living fossile.
82. Which animal phylum is the second largest ?
83. What is the nature of body cover of molluscan ?
84. What is mantle ?
85. What is mantle cavity ?
86. Where are the gills located in molluscan body ?

87. What is the body symmetry of adult echinoderm ?
88. What is the body symmetry of larval echinoderm ?
89. Which is the most distinctive features of echinoderms ?
90. How does echinoderms generally reproduce ?
91. What type of fertilization is seen in echinoderms ?
92. What is the nature of development in echinodermate ?
93. Which echinoderm is called brittle star ?
94. Which echinoderm is called sea urchin ?
95. Which echinoderm is called sealilly ?
96. What are echinoderms ?
97. Why echinoderms are called exclusively marian forms ?
98. What is the function of mantle cavity ?
99. Which region of molluscan body has sensory tentacles ?
100. What is radula ?
101. What is the function of radula ?
102. What are oviparous animals ?
103. From which molluscan pearls are obtained ?
104. Which mollusean is called Devil fish ?
105. Which molluscan has elephant tusk like shell ?
106. Which sup phylum of chordate is now included under nonchordata as separate
107. What is the general body form of hemichordate ?
108. Name the excretory structure of hemichordate.
109. What type of circulation is found in hemichordate ?
Two marks questions
1. What are multi cellular animals ? give an example.
2. What is cellular level of organization ? Give an example.
3. What is organ level of organization ? Give an example.
4. Name two types of circulation found in animals.
5. Define open circulation with an example.

6. Define closed circulation with an example.
7. Name the any two types of body symmetry with an example for each.
8. Define a symmetry with an example.
9. Define radial symmetry with an example.
10. Define bilateral symmetry with an example.
11. What are biploblastic animals ? Give an example.
12. What are triploblastic animals ? Give an example.
13. Define metamerism with an example.
14. What are acoelmates ? Give an example.
15. What are non chordates ? Give an example.
16. Name any two fundamental features on which animals are classified.
17. Name the levels of animal classification based on organization.
18. Name the levels of animal classification based on body symmetry.
19. Mention the level of animal classification based on body cavity.
20. Define hermophrodites with an example.
21. Name the gametes produced by the hermophrodites.
22. How does sponges reproduce?
23. What are cnidarians ? Give an example.
24. Mention the types of Digestion in coelenterates.
25. Name the two basic body forms of cnidarians ?
26. Define metagenesis with an example.
27. What are the functions of comb plates ?
28. What is bioluminescence ? Give an example.
29. Write any two examples of ctenophore.
30. What are endoparasites ? Give an example.
31. What is the common name of Taenia solium and fasciola hepatica.
32. What are dioecious animals ? Give an example.
33. From which latin term, the word annalida in taken and what does it means ?
34. What are parapodia ? What is its function ?
35. What are the main components of neural system of annelida.
36. Write an example for dioecious and monoecious annelidan.

37. Name the respiratory structures of arthropods.
38. Name the sensory structures of arthropods.
39. Name any two economically important insects.
40. What are vectors ? Give an example.
41. What are living fossils ?
42. Name the major regions of unsegmented body of an molluscan.
43. What is the function of water vascular system ?
44. Where are the mouth and anus located in echinoderms ?
45. What is the nature of echinoderm larvae ?
46. Name the body components of hemichordate.
47. Write any two example of hemichordate.
5 Marks questions
1. Represent schematically the classification of animal kingdom based on common fundamental features.
2. List out eight important characteristic features of phylum porifera.
3. Briefly explain the different types of body cavity.
4. Enumerate the salient features of phylum coelenterata.
5. List out the general characters of ctenophora.
6. Mention the general characters of phylum platyhelminthes.
7. Write any four distinct features of aschelminthes.
8. Compare and contrast parasitic platyhelminthes with that aschelminthes.
9. List out the eight important features of annelida.
10. Write the general characters of phylum Arthropoda
11. Mention the general features of phylum mollusca.
12. Enumerate the special features of phylum echinodermate.
13. List out the characters of phylum hemichordate.
14. Mention general characters of phylum parifera.
15. Write any five unique features of phylum coelenterate
16. Bring out the general characters of phylum platyhelminthes.

17. List out the different between male & female round worm.
18. Enumerate unique features of sponges.
19. List out the general characters of phylum annelida.
20. Write the general characters of phylum mollusca.
21. What are the salient features of echonodermata.
22. Justify the inclusion of hemichordate under non chordate.
23. Mention the group of animals in which the following organs are found.
a) Radula b) Compound eye c) water vascular system
d) canal system e) closed circulatory system f) Nematocysts
g) Flame cells h) visceral hump i) Nepheridia
j) Parapodia

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