Time: 90 Min MM: 4
Q-1 Answers the following questions. 5 marks
Name the primary acceptor enzyme Calvin cycle in plants?
What is Respiratory quotient?
Define hydroponics?
Give full form NADP and ATP.
Define: 1. Vernalisation 2.Photoperiodism.
Q-2 Answer the following. 10 marks
Draw the labeled diagram of chloroplast?
What is nitrogen fixation?
Write note on water potential.
Differentiate between fermentation and aerobic respiration.
Give the example of two natural and two synthetic auxin.
Q-3 Answers the following questions. (Any five) 15 marks
Explain diffusion, facilitate diffusion and active transport.
Explain Mass flow of hypothesis.
Describe various events in nodule formation.
Explain chemiosmotic Hypothesis of ATP production in higher plants?
Diagrammatically explain electron transport chain.
Answer the following questions based on given image:-

Explain the radical and plumule growth on the basis of this diagram? 2
What is the function of cotyledon in plant growth. 1

Q-4 Explain Hatch and Slack pathway. 5 marks
Explain diagrammatically Apoplast and Symplast pathway of absorption of water in plants.
Q-5 . Answer the questions based on the picture:-


Why the organisms show the sigmoid curve? 1
Which phase is fastest and why? 2
What is relation between the lag phase and stationary phase of plant growth? 2
Explain Photorespiration in plants.

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